Thursday, December 31, 2009
No kidding
Thursday, December 17, 2009
My Life is the Definition of Busy
I'll go in order. First things first - I met Jacynne.
Yep, I actually met her.
I even gave her a hug.
It was really exciting, to say the least.
So I spent the from Friday till Wednesday with Jacynne. Friday she came over to my house and from there we went to my dance rehearsals and performances for a Christmas program downtown. We then went to the Yuletide Harbinger Bash which is a lock in with my youth group. It would take too long to explain it all, so all you really need to know is that it was
I had some more performances on Saturday night, but other than that we mostly slept. Sunday I went to her Grammie's house, and the following Monday we went to Chicago, which was also
Then on Tuesday I turned 15. Which was, of course, really cool.
Beth turned 11 today.
And really, I don't know what to write about. so ... I'll write later.
Sorry for taking so long. My life = busy.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
It Reallly Is December
I can't bring myself to believe it's December - by golly, it hasn't even been that cold! It was 50 degrees (Fahrenheit) yesterday. I kinda wish it would snow, but I don't mind it not being cold. It just doesn't feel like December, and it's odd to listen to Christmas music when I can see green grass out my window. The only thing that suggests it's winter is the fact that it gets dark out at 6pm.
So... I guess it really is December.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Tis The Season
I meet the one and only Jacynne C.
(please say her name like you'd say the name Jason - yes, her name is Jacynne/Jason. Yes, SHE is a girl. and yes, I like her name)
Jacynne is my pen pal from Alaska. We started writing a few years ago - our homeschool groups got together and everyone in MI (who wanted one) got a pen pal from AK, and vise versa. I'm pretty sure Jacynne and I are the only people still writing to each other.
See, we are more than just pen pals - we're friends. I would say it took longer for us to be friends, considering we couldn't see each other. But the more and more we talked, the more and more we became friends. Best friends, I'd dare say.
There's a song from the Muppets, and one of the lines is "There's not a word yet for old friends who've just met" and I think that describes Jacynne and I quite well. We're old friends, yes, and we haven't met...yet.
But we will... in exactly 5 days.
Yes, you heard me...
I'm just a little excited...
Ok, I lied.
I'm pretty much FREAK.ING.OUT right now at the thought of meeting her at last! Talk about dream come true!
And we have so much planned! We meet on the 7th - her family is coming to dinner. I can.not.wait for that day. Then on the 10th she's coming with me to ballet and pointe and taking classes. She is then sleeping over at my house. The next day I have a Christmas dance performance, which she's coming to watch. From their we're going to the Yuletide Harbinger Bash, which is a lock in with the youth group I attend. (I'll explain more about that on a future date.) Saturday morning we will go our separate ways and sleep! I then have to get up that afternoon to perform the Christmas performance again. Then I go back home and sleep till Sunday. Sunday morning I'm going to Jacynne's grandmother's house and spending the night there. We will leave early the next morning (if you haven't been following, it'll be te 14th) and head to Lansing to catch our train to Chicago! We'll stay there all day (we plan on going to the American Girl Doll store) and come home late that night. I'll sleep over at her grandma's house again, because we'll be back late and I'm sure my dad wouldn't want to have to drive to Lansing. From Jacynne's grandmother's house we will head to my house - because by then it will be my birthday!
I'm not exactly sure how my birthday is going to work, but some how Jacynne and my friend Becca (and maybe my friend Lauren, if she can make it) are coming over (and some how I'm dancing from 4-6) and we're having a little party with food and cake and presents! Jacynne will sleep over...
And then I don't know what else happens!
Wow, I wrote a lot. I hope that all makes sense...
Anyway, I'm really excited =) I also hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a nice break from normal life, and I'll be blogging soon.
Much love,
Thursday, November 26, 2009
It's Thanksgiving
I'm thankful for coffee in the morning. Without it I probably couldn't do anything.
I'm thankful for words, because without them I wouldn't be very good at expressing myself.
I'm thankful for the backspace button on my keyboard, because I make a lot of mistakes. I wish there was a backspace on life sometimes, but sadly someone hasn't invented that yet.
I'm thankful for mini butter sticks, because they're so darn cute! They're only 4 tablespoons and not 8, and boy! are they cute!! =)
I'm thankful for my family, because they love me so much. And the care a lot. And Mom makes dinner (most) everynight, and Dad makes breakfast for me (most) mornings, and William's smile brightens my day, and Clay just makes me laugh, and Beth's beautiful face just makes everything better, and Dave (who isn't really related but for me he's the uncle I don't have) can cook amazing food, and tell funny stories and make me smile on bad days. That's what uncles are for, ya?
I'm thankful for friends, because without them I'd get a little sick of my family after every day with them. They're my outlet, my friends are. They're my support in hard times, and I'm theirs (I think...). Without them I wouldn't know what do to sometimes, and my life would be boring, to be honest. I don't know what I would do without friends.
I'm thankful that I live in a warm house and that Dad has job(s) so we make money so we can eat food. I like food ... a lot. I'm pretty sure I couldn't live without it.
I'm thankful for the Wii, as bad as it sounds. It is quiet fun to play, to be honest. We're actually playing it right now. Family time! Like in the walmart or target commercials (I can't remember which) and they say "Family time costs less at walmart (target)!"
I'm thankful for pumpkin cheesecake, because it's so dang good! It tastes like pumpkin pie, yet has a cheese cake hint to it, and it's like pure heavan! nom nom nom ...
I'm thankful for many, many more things that if I wrote them all down you wouldn't bother reading it all. So I'll end my post here, asking you what's ONE thing (or more than one) that you're thankful for this thanksgiving.
Have a GREAT holiday!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
She is Me
She doesn’t like to hurt people, yet she stands up for what she believes in.
She doesn’t like to stand out in a crowd, but will try to get her point across.
She has firm beliefs, but willing to listen to other ideas and ponder them. Understands that everyone is different and excepts that.
Unsure about her future, so just trying to get through life one day at a time.
Loves to smile and laugh and brighten other people’s day.
Wants to be someone children look up to and adore, and someone the elders are proud of.
Want's someday, to find true love, but waiting because she knows that’s what God wants.
Wants people to like her for who she is, and what she believes, and how she thinks, and not by looks alone.
Has dreamt before about being famous, but pretty sure that isn’t going to happen, and is ok with that.
Just wants to be happy with her life, yes realizes her day dreams about the future are a little farfetched, but it’s ok to dream.
Doesn’t try hard enough sometimes, and isn’t perfect. Needs to work on some things, and knows it.
Needs to realize life isn’t all about her, but it isn’t about everyone else either. It’s about God, and what He wants for her life. She needs to trust Him with her life, and knows that’s hard to do.
She tries to be happy every day, but some days just aren’t that great.
She is thankful she is where she is in her life right now, and wouldn’t change a thing about it.
She loves life.
Friday, November 20, 2009
It happens to be Saturday the 21st (I know numbers, too).
It also happens to be Saturday the 21st of November (I know months as well).
And this means only one thing ...
Yes, I do karate.
Yes, I'm one of the people testing tomorrow for their black belt.
No, I'm not joking.
Am I nervous? Yes!
Worried? Yes!
Scared? Yes!
Excited? Yes!
I've only been training for this day for the past year ... nothing big
Only been counting the months, weeks, and days.
Only been fretting about it for the last two weeks.
There's one downfall to being a black belt though, and I'll tell you what that is. In sparring, which is fighting for those who don't know karate lingo, if you hit the black belt, it's the black belts fault (they should be good enough to not get hit), and if the black belt hits you, it's the black belts fault (because .. not sure why... but it just is). Which is wonderful!... until you're a black belt ...
So now everything will be my fault! That's the only downfall.
So wish me luck!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wendy's Has My Heart
Does that not sound delish?!
I think it sounds amazing. It's so simply, but if you put all those little ingredients together they make the best lunch or dinner I've ever eaten! (Ok, so maybe that's taking it a little far ... let's stick with 'really good')
And speaking of go wraps... I get some for dinner! Along with a vanilla frosty, which is like the cherry on top...ok, not cherry, strawberry (I don't like cherries - BLECK). I had two go wraps for dinner yesterday and didn't get a frosty and it just felt wrong. I suppose you don't had to get a vanilla one, if that isn't your type; I'm sure chocolate would do. I personally prefer the vanilla over chocolate, but that's just me.
But enough about food, let's talk about ... how crazy I really am.
I am crazy, I'll admit. I don't know what made me think I'd have the energy to dance for 2-5 hours three days a week, but I thought it at some point because I signed up for all the classes. Not to mention I have karate two other nights a week. Here's my schedule for the week:
Monday - karate 5:30-7:00
Tuesday - karate 12:30-2:30, dance - 3:45-6:00
Wednesday - dance 4:00-5:00 (thirty minute break) 5:30-9:15
Thursday - dance 6:45-9:15
Still don't think I'm crazy?? I think you're crazy.
I'm guessing you know the days of the week, but just in case you don't, it's Wednesday. Wednesday happens to be my longest day, and I think the only way I manage is eating the go wraps and frosty I get every.single.week during my glorious 30 minute break.
I have made a very important scientific discovery this morning. It'll blow your mind, I know it. You'll think "Gosh, that Kate girl, she's a genius!" This is what I figured out. You ready?
BLAST OFF!! I figured out it takes me an hour to wake up (with coffee). I timed myself. I got up this morning around 7:20 and was awake by 8:30. Awake meaning that I can actually think about stuff, and not just go through the motions of every morning, like drinking coffee, which doesn't require much thinking. So don't ask me to do anything that you want done well or that is important until an hour after I wake up.
Even writing in this blog. I got up and thought "Ya, know, I should blog about how amazing homestyle chicken go wraps are," but I didn't really start writing anything worth reading until around 8:30. Writing requires a lot of thinking. Thinking is hard in the morning. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
That's my scientific discovery. I know, you're speechless. In your shock that a girl like me could figure out something like that. No need to thank me =)
So anyway, like every other teenager, I have to do school. Unlike every teenager, I'm homeschooled, so I'm allowed to wait till 9 o'clock to do it. But, It's 9, so I best be going and start learning something.
I'll blog soon!!
Lots of love,
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sad Begining to a Hopefully Happy Day...
I love you Beadhead
Rest In Peace
Friday, November 13, 2009
Random Tidbits
So I sit here staring at the screen thinking "What to write?"
I had dance yesterday. 3 hours straight. And earlier this week I had bought a vitamin water to bring so I wouldn't die of thirst.
Guess who forgot to grab the vitamin water on the way out the door? O_o
Yep, you guessed it. Me. So I was dying of thirst for three hours. Oh joy.
There's only one month until my birthday. Yes, one. I still don't know what I want. Mom doesn't agree with my kitten idea. Not sure why. What's one more when you already have 5? Then again, she didn't like the puppy idea either. Maybe there's a theme...
There is this one jacket I want, but it's $100 and it'd be all I got for my birthday. Though I might anyway. Who knows.
So anyway. I hope you all have a good weekend! This isn't my best post, but it'll do for now.
See ya next time =)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Now, I know there are people out there who don't like it, and that's ok. We all have our flaws. But my best friend, whom I will name Lulu on this blog, never liked coffee. But I got her hooked, and she now loves it. So people can change too.
But I only wrote that stuff because I happened to be drinking coffee. But if you ever want to brighten my day, random coffees are nice =) (ps I love mochas)
So... I drank all my coffee and now I don't know what to write. Maybe there's a connection? Maybe that's why people get more coffee, so they can keep writing. Maybe there's something about the bitter taste, and the amazing smell, that make your writing senses all happy and ready to think and write. Maybe coffee just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, making you happy, which makes you want to write.
or maybe
coffee is just plain amazing and that's all there is to it.
Friday, November 6, 2009
The Kate in Me, Kate, and I
I'm Kate. I'm 14 years and 10 months old (plus a few odd days). I love to read and write, but I never seem to have time. I never have time because the time that I would be writing I'm dancing, or doing karate. I'm currently training for my black belt, which I hope to get on the 21st of this month.
I dance three nights a week. It's pretty much what I do as a hobby. Without it I don't know what I'd do besides wonder what to do. And besides, dancing is good for the soul. I'm currently taking ballet, pointe, jazz, and lyrical.
I also love photography, and I wish it was warmer outside so I could take some photos (I'm not a big fan of the cold). Right now, in Michigan where I live, everything is just turning brown. I'm sure a true photographer would be able to find beauty in the color brown, but I just don't have time to go searching. I missed my chance to take photos of the fall colors, but the photogenic snow will soon be here.
Like I said, I'm 14, making me a freshman. I am homeschooled, which just means I do all my school at home. And yes, I have friends, thank you very much.
I like to think I'm smart, but I think I'm just average. That's ok. I don't mind being normal.
I live in a normal farm house, with my normal family consisting of a mom, a dad, a brother, a sister, and another brother. Well, they're mostly normal anyway. For the sake of this post, they're normal. Let's leave it at that.
My best friend since I was 10 is Lauren. She's amazing. We have our moments though, but we're tough, and we make it through them. Lauren, you rock!
My boyfriend is Caleb. He's the coolest guy I know. Today makes it three weeks (not very long, I know. but you gotta start somewhere, right?).
And ya. That's me. The normal 14 year old girl. I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I love writing in it. Hopefully I'll write more.
But until next time,
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A Painful Tale That Ends Happily
And in karate you do sparring (fighting), yes? Of course (sadly).
And so yesterday I had class. And we were sparring.
And when you spar, if you're me anyway, you try to kick the person's head (isn't that hard). But for some reason the person you're trying to kick doesn't like that idea very much, so therefore uses their hand to block your foot moving quickly towards their head, then hitting your foot with their hand.
THIS can cause a lot of pain - I would know.
A lot of pain, and bruising, and swelling, and fear of it being broken is some manner.
This happened to me yesterday, around 1pm in class.
and after class it started to hurt a lot, and started to swell, which isn't normal.
So today I got it checked.
Not broken/fractured/chipped.
Just a bone was going down, not up. But the chiropractor dude fixed that for me and now all I have is a big bruise on my foot and a big bump that shouldn't be there.
But otherwise I'm perfectly normal =)
And I'm sorry for not posting. There wasn't anything to really post about until yesterday.
Also, I finished reading the book Rebecca and it's HORRIBLE!!! A HORRIBLE book, I tell you.
I'm scarred for life for reading such a nasty thing. bleck.
And they call that an ending?? What the heck!?
It doesn't end, it just ... stops! And now I have sooooo many unanswered questions buzzing aroudn in my brain. It's annoying.
ANNNNDDDDDDDD you don't even mind out the main characters first name! EVER!! How horrible (and annoying) is that?
Though, it was very well written, I do have to say. But the story?
Some love story.
Don't read it.
And if you do you're better off stopping before it ends. It's better that way.
I don't know how this is a painful story that ends happily, considering I just talked about a horrible book that you should NEVER read ... ever.
Tell me, have you ever read Rebecca? And if so what did you think of it?
Friday, October 30, 2009
Dun dun dun ...
So, I did.
go -->HERE<-- to visit.
That blog is solely for the purpose of my photos, as I plan to be a photography when I'm older. AND I didn't want to let all my blogger friends down by NOT posting photos like I had said I would.
But I got that all fixed
So anyway. Check it out if you want to =)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I Just Can't Find It
It's quiet irksome, actually.
Because I don't want to be a copy cat, but I don't know what 'me' is. I feel that all my writing is just 'blah' compared to what other people are writing. I don't want to be 'blah.' No one likes blah, not even me.
So I don't know what to do. Humph.
It's so confusing, trying to find your writing style. Maybe I shouldn't have to think about it? Maybe I should just write like I talk (with good grammar and no 'likes') and then it'll be more 'me.'
I don't know what to write. So I guess I'll write what I feel like writing when I feel like writing it. Hope that's ok.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Hugs and kisses and bed time stories
They say the silliest things at the silliest times, and they don't even realize how silly they are.
Plus they like hugs. What could be better?
I love little kids. They make me smile. =) Like that. Or sometimes like =D that. And sometimes they make me go crazy like =Z that.
But most the time they make me smile with their silly words.
Someday I'll have my own kids. And they'll be cute and sweet and charming. Hopefully...
Mother always tell us (Clay, Beth and I) that she hopes we all have three kids like William (who, I can tell you, gets quiet annoying and loud and only sometimes sweet). (But when he is sweet you can't help but smile and wish you could give him a kitten.)
She (Mother) also says that our kids will go to her house (which would be Gramma's house...that sounds funny) and then feed them candy and send them home. Thanks Mom.
But, I still love kids. With their sweet little smiles and ingenious ideas and silly drawings and big imaginations. What's not to love?
The tantrums, and whining, and crying, and complaining, and the not listening. But really... it all evens itself out.
They're just so cute!!
(yes, this is William. yes, I took those photos)
(And as I type this little William is trying to get the cat, Penny, to stay on the blankie [to use his exact words] that he put in the middle of the living room floor for her bed...she isn't liking it...)
Monday, October 19, 2009
Just a little bit about me ...
I carry a euchre deck around in my purse
The earth says hello
You are my friend =)
Friday, October 16, 2009
Just One
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I'm talking about fiction. Epic adventures, super powers, heros, all that jazz. Have you ever wished it was real? Ever gaze off into the distance and wish YOU were the main character of some epic real life adventure?
I have.
Wouldn't it be amazing though? If all the amazing things we write were real? Obviously normal life isn't exciting enough to make a good story, so we add things to it, change it, and mix it up a little. Why can't normal life be that way too?
I guess it's because if it were like that, what would we write about? 'Normal' life? That might get kind of boring.
So, maybe, we should leave fiction to the books? Sound good?
I think so. *wink wink*
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Is this working?
I want to write something meaningful, something you'll all love; something to get you thinking. I just don't know what to write though, that you'll all love.
I don't even know if I'm capable of writing such a thing. I read them all the time - heart warming stories; ones that make you cry.
And I try to write like that, but I just can't seem to get the words right - this frustrates me.
Maybe it's because I don't know what to write about.
I want to be one of those bloggers that write things people want to read. Maybe pictures aren't enough?
I'm not sure ...
Friday, October 9, 2009
So I'm really sorry for letting you all down and being that blog that doesn't post when they say they will. =(
Corina commented saying that I should take an up close picture of a bug...any bug.'s too cold here in MI for there to BE any bugs, so that one's out.
The Dancing Pen commented saying I should take a picture of my whole family - including me. Well, I highly doubt I (or any one else in my family for that matter) has time to get a nice picture.
Sorry I have failed you all misserably.
=( Please don't hate me.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Times Up!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
It's YOUR turn
This is the time were you say "I want Kate to take a photo of ..." and I'll try my best to meet the expectation.
In order for me to know what you want me to take a photo of, you must leave a comment. Make sense? Good!
Now, get thinking!
Wait... I should probably give you a have till Sunday (since I'm busy this weekend).
Can't wait to see what you guys come up with.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
A Quick Hello
I just wanted to say welcome to all my new visitors! I'm so happy you came and visited my blog, and that I hope you are enjoying it. I just wanted to thank you all =) Please visit often [and leave comments ;) ].
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Just another post
Before (Clay said it looked like an ant took this one)






These were taken on the Cannon (point and shoot camera):


I want to thank everyone for visiting. I love comments, so feel free! Any questions, I'll answer.
Thanks for visiting! Come again soon!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Another Quick Photo
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
But, I wasn't going to let you all down and not post something today. Because when I follow a blog and they say they'll post, and they don't, I'm sad. So, I'm not going to be that blog. =)
So, I dance. And that's what I've been busy with the past two days. It's try outs to get into group 1, 2 or 3. 1 is best, 2 is ok... and 3 is all the younger kids.
I have no idea if I got into 1. I know I could be in 1, I know I'm good enough, I know I could to the choreography, but I don't know if I proved that yesterday. Let's just hope so ...
I do have to admit I'll be sad if I get 2. Probably more upset at myself more than anything. And if I get 1 I'll jump for joy guaranteed. It's just so unsure right now ... I don't know what to feel.
Because I don't want to get my hopes up in thinking I got 1, but I don't want to lose hope and just say I got 2. So, I'm HOPING for 1, but right now it's 50/50. So, those are my mixed feelings of the day.
And the worst part is I have to wait till 3:30 PM TODAY to find out! So of course I was thinking about it a lot last night (still couldn't come up with a 'what I think will happen' answer). Normally I can guess "Oh ya, I nailed that" or "No, I didn't do so hot there" but this... I just really don't know at all!! And I wish I did, it'd make things easier.
All I know is that I danced my heart out yesterday and tried my best. And that's really all I can do. Let's just hope for the best...
Wish Me Luck!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Busy busy busy ...
I wasn't home all day to take any, I was dancing. So I'll post one from my photo shoot with my little brother.
That's all. I promise more photos =)
oh, WELCOME new visitors! It's so wonderful to have you visit my blog! Please comment and tell me what you think =)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Bon Fire
Photographing fire is really hard because it never stays still, so you never know what it's going to look like in the end. I think fire looks extremely cool though, which is why I took somany photos of it ...
Anyway, tell me what you think!
I'm going to a dance workshop all day because I have auditions tomorrow to see what placing I get in for company (1, 2, or 3). 1 is the best, so of course I want that one. Let's hope I do well... Wish me luck!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
A Short Post
Oh, times up for me. Tell me what you think!
ps I changed the name of my blog. It's now 'Kreative Photography'. You like?
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Happy 18th Anniversary Mom and Dad
Report on the gerbil mishap: Beth is going to get two more baby gerbils to be Lewis' friends. She thinks sometime in September, around the 26th. She is still upset from yesterday, and Lewis seems a little sad. He doesn't know where is friend went, but he's otherwise doing perfectly fine and will soon have two new little brothers =) The breeder told us that the offspring of the mother of Lewis and Clark tend to be really good jumpers. So let's hope Lewis has some smarts...
Anyway, back to my photo posting. As you have noticed this blog will also have little tidbits of news and such, but I will still post one photo per day, so don't worry.

That's all for today! I'll be back tomorrow with more photos.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Rest in peace Clark
Rest in peace Clark, we'll miss you. We love you.
For those who don't know Clark was one of Beth's gerbils.
My New First Post
But I have figured out a way to fix my problem and improve my photography skills. My plan is to post a picture ever day (or every other day if need be). I really enjoy photography, so what better way to improve then to take photo everyday and show them to the world?
Now I know there are probably other blogs like this, but I never said I was doing this to be different. I'm doing this for me. For fun.
I do like to edit my photos, so if I edit it I'll put before and after shots of it on here too.
So, for my first post I''ll post a picture I took last Sunday and edited yesterday... okay, make that two photos.

I use to edit my photos and lets just say that I really, really, really, like it. You can go HERE to start editing your own photos.