Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2 Years

As of today, I have had this blog for 2 whole years. Let's just say that it's changed a lot. And so I have.

For one, I'm two years older, making me 16.

I'm in 10th grade, not 8th.

I don't think I'm any taller...

My hair is a different color.

I have a boyfriend.

I'm turning into a neat freak.

I've discovered my love for photography.

I drink green tea just as much as I drink coffee.

I go to Shepherd Schools.

I'm thinking about getting a job.

Though some things still haven't changed.

Lauren is still my best friend.

I still do dance. 

I still live with my family. 

Our house is still cold. 

I still love my family.

I still go to the FCC youth group.

I still tease my brother Clay.

I still forget a lot of things.

I'm still waiting to grow up.

I still have my laptop (though it might die soon).

I still wear size 7 shoes.

Let's see what 2011 brings.

I'm ready.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

I hope your Christmas is going well. We are currently waiting for lunch, or dinner, here at the Troxell house. Presents are unwrapped  (or most, anyway) and company is here. Overall, pretty good Christmas.

Like the background? I took that picture. That's what's up.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Sometimes, boys are not worth the trouble. It seems to be all girls talk about.

How they like this boy.

How they wish this boy didn't have a girlfriend.

How they wish this boy would notice them.

How they'll never be good enough for him.

Blah, blah, blah.

Oh my goodness!

Really people?

Is this all you have to do with your spare time?

Make drama?

And say "Woe is me for not having a boyfriend?"

Seriously - get a life.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Just Relax

Life can be crazy.

And it's nice, sometimes, to just relax.

And do nothing.

And worry about nothing.

And think about nothing.

And go no where.

And not say a word.

And yet, you seem to enjoy yourself.

In the silence.

Because it's such a change from what you're used to.

No ones annoying you.

No ones gossiping.

No ones bragging.

No ones ignoring you.

No ones judging you.

You feel bliss.



But it's better, sometimes, to enjoy these moments with other people.




People who care.

Who always have and always will.

People you love.

Friday, November 5, 2010


School hallways suck, in case you were wondering.

It's every man to himself, and if you get pushed over / drop something, you fend for yourself and hope you don't get run over.

All you hear are angry voices and swearing.

All you see are the backs of heads and couples showing a little too much affection.

And sometimes you feel


I know that sounds cliche,but it's true sometimes.

More often than not.

But, it's alright.

Because I'm not in a popularity contest. 

I have real friends.

I have a loving family.

I'm happy.

I don't need fakes.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

week #1

I survived my first week of school. Talk about the longest week of my life. It seemed to drag on, day by day. I now know why people like Friday so much; it means you can sleep!

The week has been ... interesting. The first day I was so scared. The whole high school met in the gym and all the teachers got introduced. Then we went to our regular  classes. And in every class we just read the rules and such. So in all honesty, it  was pretty boring. The next day we started learning.

So far I've been asking a million times where I came from, been told homeschooling was school, been asked if I was a Christian, had my paper cheated off of, and been asked to sit with  people at lunch.

Pretty interesting, if I do say so myself.

I had a chemistry, US history, and Spanish quizzes Friday. I'm pretty sure I  aced the chemistry and Spanish quizzes, and I don't think I did half bad on the history one. I haven't had any late homework (not that we've had a lot to begin with, but you'd be surprised how many  people are late already). I haven't been late to class. I haven't gotten in trouble.

So far, so good. I don't even have homework this weekend because I finished it by 4:30pm yesterday. So just relaxing.

I'll keep you posted.


Monday, September 13, 2010

First Day

And I'm up and rolling. School starts at 8am. Bus picks me up at 7am. I'm up at 5:30 am (I'm not exactly a quickly moving person).

Wish me luck!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Oh Golly

Tomorrow is the first day of school. I'm scared. I know, I know, I shouldn't be. But I can't help it.  Luckily I've had an amazing weekend. I spent yesterday watching avatar (the cartoon) with my boyfriend, and today I'm going shoe shopping (or looking, in my case) with my best friend from kindergarten. To me, it sounds like a fantastic way to end summer. And hopefully get my mind off of tomorrow ... for a little bit anyway.

I was thinking about starting a video blog. Yea or Nay?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

True Love

How you ever really thought about what love is? What it really is? Not that mushy stuff you see on TV, or the 'love' that some teenagers talk about all the time, but real, genuine, love.

I've thought about it. I did while mowing the lawn this morning. Here's my conclusion:

Love is like joyful giving.
Love is when you everything you can to make that one person smile; going out of your way to make their day.
Love is also finding someone who makes you smile on your worst days.
Love is finding someone who brings the best out in you.
Love is to make someone shine.
Love is a two person game, and if played right, it last forever.
Love is treating them with respect.
Love is supporting their dreams.
Love is holding them while they cry, and telling them everything is going to be okay.
Love is telling them when they're right, and when they're wrong.
Love is just being able to be together, doing nothing besides sitting there, and enjoying every second of it.
Love is helping the other person on their way, and pulling them back when they stray.
Love is caring for someone and accepting them despite their past.
Love is when you can be completely yourself and not be afraid of being judged.
Love is teasing someone, and both laughing.
Love is knowing when somethings wrong before they've even said a word.
Love is loyal. 
Love is sweet.
Love is pure.
Love is patient.
Love is kind
Love is not boastful.
Love is not proud.
Love is not envious.
Love is not rude.
Love is not self seeking.
Love is not easily angered.
Love is not delight in evil.
Love rejoices in the truth.
Love protects.
Love trusts.
Love hopes.
Love preservers.

Love is more than what the world tells us, yet love is a lot simpler, too. It isn't this big glamorous thing that comes and sweeps you off your feet and carries you into the sun set, but it is something magical.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Sad Story

Yesterday marks the end of two lives. Mocha and Fibbi. I went to water them to find that they had already passed. They were old, and not doing well. They're happy now. Here's some pictures from their prime.

Fibbi on the wheel

Mocha on the wheel. I entered this photo at the fair last year.

Fibbi next to his wheel

Mocha trying to climb on the wheel

Mocha being cute

You guys will be missed.

Monday, August 30, 2010

I Heart Photos

So as you all know I aspire to be a photographer.

Well, I'm one step closer.

I have a website!

Ok, maybe it's just another blog, but it's a really cool blog.

Here's the link: http://katetroxellphotography.blogspot.com/

Check it out and tell me what you think.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Summer Twenty Ten

My summer has finally started. Crazy, isn't it? I get  3 whole weeks of summer. And by golly, I'm going to make them the best 3 weeks I've ever had... Ok, maybe not that dramatic, but you get the idea. So far, my summer is going great! Yesterday I got to hang out with Caleb. (I'm sure you're probably sick of me talking about Caleb, but he's the only person I see on a somewhat regular basis. Sorry. I'll make more friends in school, don't worry.) We had an Avatar Marathon (the cartoon, not the 3D movie), and ate some ice cream. It was nice. Then today I got to sleep in till 10:42, and it felt great! Yesterday I even figured out how to make a photo slide show which you can see at the top right hand of my blog (under the title). Ok, maybe I just used picnik.com, but still, I was proud of myself.

I'm planning a picnic with Sam, my best friend in kindergarten. When we hit high-school our friendship kind of faded away. Now we've been talking again, and decided our friendship shouldn't end. It's nice to catch up. I'm also doing a photo shoot with her, and I'm really excited. We're going to a little park in town, and she bringing some old homecoming/prom dresses. I'm pumped.

Guess what else?

I've learned how to make ice coffees at home! Here, I'll teach you too. Make some coffee. While that's brewing (I sure hope that's the right word) fill a tall glass with ice. Add some milk, but not too much. Poor some coffee in a mug (like you're going to drink it [black]) and add two spoon fulls of sugar, or to taste. Stir. Now, poor sweetened coffee into your tall glass (without making a mess). Stir. Taste test. Fix to taste (Too coffee-y, add more sugar. Too milk-y, drink some and add more coffee.) And tada! The prefect summer treat. It might take a few tries to get it to taste right, and you'll want to keep stirring it so the sugar doesn't all go to the bottom. But you'll get it eventually.

So all in all, my summer is going wonderfully. I have a great family, great friends, great life. And coffee.

Tell me, could it get any better?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I Did It

I am officially done with algebra. Hallelujah. 

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Love Story

Once upon a time there was a turtle name Mr. Turtle

He was very lonely and sad. Then one day he met Miss Moose.

They quickly became friends. Mr. Turtle asked Miss Moose on a date.

He gave her a flower, asking if she'd be his girlfriend. She very happily said yes. They went on many more dates.

Pretty soon they fell in love.

The wedding is August 31st. And yes, they're will be a photographer at the wedding. And yes, pictures will be posted.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be a different person. To have a different family. Grow up someplace else. Have different ideas. Different stories. Different friends.

Sometimes I wonder what people really think of me, and I wonder if I was someone else, would I be Kate Troxell’s friend. I’m mean, I here good stuff about me, and the bad stuff I normally hear are complete lies. But ... what do people really think? 

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Quote From the Boyfriend

Live like you mean it, love until you feel it. That's all we need in our lifes. -Caleb

Monday, August 16, 2010

Fair Week # 8

Fair week number 8 has come to a close.

Overall, I had a very successful week, if I do say so myself. Here's a list of everything I received:

Grand Champion Photography
Grand Champion Photo Art
Grand Champion Sr. Rabbit Showman
Grand Champion Outstanding 4-Her
Honors Teen Leader (already won so couldn't win again)
Honors Cake Decorating

Really, the only thing I took that didn't get a award was my fair book cover and my rabbit itself (who only lost due to too long of a coat, but I'm no complaining - it freed up my Monday).

I never really knew how stressful fair really was until this year. And this year .. was very stressful. I could tell so many stories, but I won't. I'm pretty sure it'd be called gossip, and the internet doesn't exactly keep secrets.

But fair week was great anyway. I got to spend time with my favorite people (family, the bestie, the boyfriend, the friends, etc),  and it was nice.

I am kind of glad it's over though - my real summer has finally started! I have nothing planned for 4 weeks, and it feels nice to just be able to sit around and color pictures and play the Wii (like I did all yesterday. And somehow I still manage to get marker all over myself.).

Then today I woke up to a nice fall breeze and everything smells crisp, and oddly sweet. I love it. I found my favorite pair of jeans (complete with holes on the knees from seam to seam), my hair is really soft (a nice change), and it's cold enough to wear my sweatshirt and drink coffee.Not to mention I  get to see Caleb today, and seeing him always makes me happy.

It may be summer, but I still have chores to do, so I  better get going.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

So I wasn't going to post...

But I changed my mind. I feel the need to write something, and if I'm going to write something I'm going to do it here. Just ... what?

Ever have one of those days where you just don't want to smile, yet you have no reason not to? Yep, today was one of those days. :/

But thankfully there's someone who can always make me smile, no matter what. And even if he can't make me smile, he at least cares, and he still tries. Thanks, Caleb. :)

I worked on a lot today. Fair is this Saturday. Can you believe it? It seems like time just flies by. It's unreal.

I'm not really sure where I'm going with all of this. Fair is going to be exciting. I was crowned 1st Runner Up Queen, so my week just got crazier. My picture in the paper too. Front page.  The Queen wasn't there. Normally the Queen's crowning picture is front page, but since she wasn't there - no picture. So I guess they went with the next best thing :)

Anyway, I think I'm signed out for the night. My head hurts and I need sleep. I have to bake a cake tomorrow. More on that later.

Until next time,

Monday, August 2, 2010

You've Been Put on Hold

I'm sorry :( But the next two weeks are way too busy for me to worry about posting and all that. So I'm not going to blog for two weeks. BUT after I'm back I promise to blog more (my summer will be so empty!) so don't go away forever!

Until next time,

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27, 2010

silence is often misunderstood but never misquoted

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hello again,

I hope your summer is going swell. Mine's been pretty hectic. (hence the lack of blog postings.) I kept thinking that my summer would be nice and relaxing ... ya right. It's far from that. It's crazy, hectic, stressfully, busy; all of the above. So far I've had 4 rabbits clinics, 1 dance workshop, fair projects, daily play assisting, dance practices, and many other completely random things that I don't remember all that well.

All in all - Summer is busy.

Speaking of fair though, I thought you might like to see what photos I'm taking.
The first one is for the normal photograph. The obviously edited one is for a new category called Digital Photo Art. Tell me what you think, honestly. I'd like you opinions. The shoe one is called "The Soles of an Artist." And I really didn't think of a title for the second one.. Any ideas?

Anyway. It's getting late, and I need some sleep. Or to do math, either way. Hopefully I'll be posting more. Sorry for not posting a lot.

Hope to write soon,


Friday, July 2, 2010

A Day With the Boyfriend

I spent the day with my boyfriend yesterday.

It was fun.

We actually got some good pictures this time.

I got him flowers. . . Ok, I went and picked clovers and a dandelion and gave it to him. He thought it was hysterical. He got my flowers last time I saw him, so I decided to be sweet and get him flowers.
My mom got him a penguin. We named him Devin Walters (aka Mr. Penguin).

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I pretty much fail at blogging, in case you haven't noticed.

So ... I'm sorry, everyone.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Things That Matter

Is the name of the song I'm listening to right now. It's by Rascal Flatts.

"Sometimes I try take on this world by myself. Thinking I got all the answers; don't need anybody's help. When God was right there waiting for me all a long, to fall my knees: surrender all. Things that matter - things that don't."

Is the last little bit of the song. And honestly, sounds a lot like me. I do try to do things on my own.

I mean sure, God is there and he loves me, but I have trouble letting him lead my life, instead of my leading it myself. I forget I'm here for Him, and not for me. That this life isn't about me, it's about Him, and His plans for me, and His people.

I few times I've tried to give myself up - and every time I some how end up doing my own thing on my own time how I want to do it.

I believe in Him, but I don't let him lead my life.

And I should. It's hard though. Really hard. I'm only 15, for goodness sake, what am I suppose to do? Are people really going to listen to what I have to say? Do I even have the guts to tell people? What's my calling? What am I suppose to do with my life?

People expect you to know by know what you plan on doing. But I don't know. I know what I like - photography and writing - but is that what I'm suppose to do? Is that what I want to do?

I know dance isn't going to by my career, I'm not near good enough. I love it an all, and it's a nice hobby, but not a future career (though that would be cool).

But what does God want? How do I find out? I don't hear him. Some people claim they can actually hear him, but I don't. So how do I know the answer?

Why do I feel so lost sometimes?

Why do I feel like I'm just going throw the motions?

Is that what teenagers do? Go through the motions? Until we're old enough to really do something?

What if I don't want to wait to make a difference?

Change needs to happen now, so why should I wait for other people to start it for me?

Just .. what to do ..