I have a pen pal from Alaska and her name is
Jacynne (say: Jason). We made up
PPF to stand for Pen Pals Forever, like
BFF, only with a pen pal twist. I have to say that we are more friends than just pen pals now, though we have never seen each other or heard each other's voices. She has a blog at www.jcsdancingpen.blogspot.com so you can learn more about her. She is very nice and kind and very pretty. I thought for sure that I would

forget to write, and she would too, but it didn't end up that way. We have been pan pals for over a year now, I think, and we still keep in touch in one way or another (email,
IM, mail, blogs, etc.). She says that she and her family might be coming to MI next summer and maybe we can meet each other! I can't wait, we have been dreaming of meeting each other sense we've been pen

pals. She also does tap and ballet and made it to
pointe shoes the same time I did, so we are a like in many ways. She loves to write, just like me, and she, Tara (her friend from from AK), and I are planning on writing a story together, though we haven't gotten very far. Even though we are a like in many ways, we are also different. She is younger than me, and she is Jewish. Her being Jewish doesn't change the way I think of her. If anything, I think it is cool. I have learned a lot about Hanukkah and such that I probably would not have known otherwise. Anyway, I can't wait to meet
Jacynne (hopefully) next summer! But for now we'll just have to write to each other.
You are such a good friend Kate!