My Birthday
My birthday was December 15th and I think this one was the best so far. I had my two friends, Lauren and Kristen, come and spend the day with me. We talking and dances and played on the computer. We have fun. For dinner we ate popcorn shrimp from Red Lobster and spaghetti with some really yummy sauce that my dad made. Kristen didn't think she would like the popcorn shrimp because she doesn't like anything that lives in water, but she tried it anyway and loved it! It always seems that on your birthday or thanksgiving, you can never eat has much has you can on a normal day. I could hardly finish my one serving of spaghetti, which was fantastic!
Instead of a birthday cake, I had a birthday pie.It was an Oreo Pie and it was so good! No, I did not turn 3, I turn 14, but those were the only candles that matched the candy letters (which where my idea since frosting wouldn't taste very good with Oreo pie) and I didn't c
are that much.
Mom always has to take a "before presents are opened" picture, so here is mine.
This birthday was probably the best I have had so far. I got a new movie, a necklace, a kit to hi-light my hair with (Lauren got it for me and her mom, who is/was a hair stylist is going to hi-light it for me), I glass ballerina, $50, and a Vera Bradley purse. Inside the purse was lots of tissue paper, and a hard something covered in tissue paper. I unwrapped it to find a ring box! Inside was a 10kt gold ring with my birthstone in the shape of a heart with two little clear man-made diamonds on either side. I love it so much! 
Overall, I had a great birthday. Now I just have to wait until next year.
The cake look grate! I hope you had a good birthday!