1) She can be stubborn. Sure, I can be too, though not like her.
2)She tans in the Summer. I mean TANS! She goes out for, literally, five whopping minutes and comes back in a shade darker!
3) She has a very different sense of style. It seams like every shirt that I point out and say "Look! That's cute!" she makes funny faces at, and I think some of the shirts she has are down right WaCkY! We do like some of the same things, but not many.
4) She hates meat. Really, she doesn't like it. I like it (well, most of it).

6) She likes her hair short, I like mine long. When she got her hair cut this summer she got it cut up to her chin, only because Mom wouldn't let her have it any shorter! It's grown out since then, and thank goodness because it's very hard to put a ponytail (necessary for dance) in short hair
7) She can play the piano. She is really good too. She had figured out (or almost) how to play most songs that she hears on it. She plays it all the time and I get quite bored of it.

That's my sister, and I wouldn't have her any other way!