Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy Saint Patrick's Day Everyone!

I'm not really sure why we celebrate saint Patrick's day to begin with. Something about "luck o' the Irish" and you better wear green, or you'll get pinched. And obviously it has something to do with Saint Patty himself, but most people forget that and use it as an excuse to get drunk, even though they do that every weekend as it is, with or without a saint to celebrate.

Anyway, it's been gorgeous here. High 70's all week, mixed with fresh rain and some heat lightening. Mom and Beth are currently away for the weekend, and Dad is playing gigs literally all day, so Clay, William and I have the house to ourself. And no, we're not getting drunk.

 I've actually had a very productive weekend. Yesterday I cleaned the house. Then the boyfriend came over and we all watched Batman Begins, thoug to be honest I was half asleep through most of it. Dad made pizza and bought cream soda. Clay and Dad faced off in Mario Kart. Again. I lost track on who won.

 Today I woke up at 9 and made breakfast for William and I. Then proceeded to play monopoly jr. until 11 and lost. Typical.

 Then I cleaned my room, watched some YouTube videos, worked out, did laundry, and now we're at the park.  The current temperature is 77 degrees and I'm loving it. I'm thinking shamrock shakes are in order.

 I love spring time. Something about the fresh air and warm sun just makes your day better. You aren't cooped up in your house all day, and the town comes alive again. Ice cream shops open up, and the flip flops come out of their tiny corner in the closet.

 Yes, I know this won't last. It will probably snow in a few weeks. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy the weather now. Just because the weather isn't here to stay doesn't mean I shouldn't say hello.

 The Saint Patrick's Day Ceili dance is tonight, and it's something I look forward to every year. I'm forcing Caleb to come and be my partner. Well, I mean, I asked him, but had he said no I would have made him come anyway.

This concludes this random rant. There will probably be more to come now that I have motivation to actually do something other than eat, sleep, and dance. Until then,


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