Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Beautiful Sister

This is my sister. Though we may look alike, we are different in many ways.

1) She can be stubborn. Sure, I can be too, though not like her.

2)She tans in the Summer. I mean TANS! She goes out for, literally, five whopping minutes and comes back in a shade darker!

3) She has a very different sense of style. It seams like every shirt that I point out and say "Look! That's cute!" she makes funny faces at, and I think some of the shirts she has are down right WaCkY! We do like some of the same things, but not many.

4) She hates meat. Really, she doesn't like it. I like it (well, most of it).

5) She collects plush Pandas, which are her favorite animal. She has 20 pandas and counting. She wants to live in China and work with the Pandas, which I think is really cool. The whole panda thing started when she went to 1st grade day camp at Rock Lake four years ago (five on June 31st). At the end of the day everyone got that year's plush animal and it happened to be a Panda. She names her's Teddy and it all went down hill from there. She now has two different sets of pajamas with pandas all over them, a purple bath robe with pandas, panda earrings, a panda poster, panda wall paper (we haven't put it up yet), plastic toy pandas, 20 plush pandas, and probably more that I have forgotten. The picture shows her with her build-a-bear panda named Pawjojo (paw-joe-joe, don't ask me where she got the name)

6) She likes her hair short, I like mine long. When she got her hair cut this summer she got it cut up to her chin, only because Mom wouldn't let her have it any shorter! It's grown out since then, and thank goodness because it's very hard to put a ponytail (necessary for dance) in short hair

7) She can play the piano. She is really good too. She had figured out (or almost) how to play most songs that she hears on it. She plays it all the time and I get quite bored of it.

That's my sister, and I wouldn't have her any other way!

New Title

Hi Everyone!

I changed my title background and I wanted to know what everyone thought of it, so leave a comment! Thanks!



I have a pen pal from Alaska and her name is Jacynne (say: Jason). We made up PPF to stand for Pen Pals Forever, like BFF, only with a pen pal twist. I have to say that we are more friends than just pen pals now, though we have never seen each other or heard each other's voices. She has a blog at www.jcsdancingpen.blogspot.com so you can learn more about her. She is very nice and kind and very pretty. I thought for sure that I would forget to write, and she would too, but it didn't end up that way. We have been pan pals for over a year now, I think, and we still keep in touch in one way or another (email, IM, mail, blogs, etc.). She says that she and her family might be coming to MI next summer and maybe we can meet each other! I can't wait, we have been dreaming of meeting each other sense we've been pen pals. She also does tap and ballet and made it to pointe shoes the same time I did, so we are a like in many ways. She loves to write, just like me, and she, Tara (her friend from from AK), and I are planning on writing a story together, though we haven't gotten very far. Even though we are a like in many ways, we are also different. She is younger than me, and she is Jewish. Her being Jewish doesn't change the way I think of her. If anything, I think it is cool. I have learned a lot about Hanukkah and such that I probably would not have known otherwise. Anyway, I can't wait to meet Jacynne (hopefully) next summer! But for now we'll just have to write to each other.


Monday, December 29, 2008

My Birthday

My birthday was December 15th and I think this one was the best so far. I had my two friends, Lauren and Kristen, come and spend the day with me. We talking and dances and played on the computer. We have fun. For dinner we ate popcorn shrimp from Red Lobster and spaghetti with some really yummy sauce that my dad made. Kristen didn't think she would like the popcorn shrimp because she doesn't like anything that lives in water, but she tried it anyway and loved it! It always seems that on your birthday or thanksgiving, you can never eat has much has you can on a normal day. I could hardly finish my one serving of spaghetti, which was fantastic! Instead of a birthday cake, I had a birthday pie.It was an Oreo Pie and it was so good! No, I did not turn 3, I turn 14, but those were the only candles that matched the candy letters (which where my idea since frosting wouldn't taste very good with Oreo pie) and I didn't care that much.

Mom always has to take a "before presents are opened" picture, so
here is mine.

This birthday was probably the best I have had so far. I got a new movie, a necklace, a kit to hi-light my hair with (Lauren got it for me and her mom, who is/was a hair stylist is going to hi-light it for me), I glass ballerina, $50, and a Vera Bradley purse. Inside the purse was lots of tissue paper, and a hard something covered in tissue paper. I unwrapped it to find a ring box! Inside was a 10kt gold ring with my birthstone in the shape of a heart with two little clear man-made diamonds on either side. I love it so much!

Overall, I had a great birthday. Now I just have to wait until next year.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

My First Post

Hi, this is Kate. This is my blog where I hope to share my thoughts with other people. My first post, though, will be explaining a little bit about myself so you know where this is all coming from.

I am 14 years old and enjoy ballet, tap, karate, reading, writing, coffee, family, friends, school, good weather, my pets, showing rabbits and chickens, 4-H, M4-HYCC, shopping for clothes, and many other things.

Dance, 4-H, and karate are probably my three main things, along with family and friends, of course! I am glad to say that in my dance ‘career’ I have made it to Pointe (if you have ever seen a ballet, it is where they walk on the very tips of their toes using special shoes). It is hard work, but it’s worth it. My first pair of pre-Pointe shoes ‘died’ (they don’t work anymore), so now I get to buy Pointe shoes! Pre-Pointe are the real thing, though I will explain more if you ask, because it is complicated to explain. My friend, Lauren, who dances with me, hopefully will be starting her first Pointe class next year.

Karate is going well for me, as I am now a red belt and plan on being a black belt this next November, and you are welcome to come in watch (in later time I will give the times and places and things). Since I did an ax kick (swinging your leg up and smashing it back to the ground, your heal leading) and broke a board at my last testing, I know have to do a jumping ax kick (same thing as a normal ax kick, only harder because now I have to jump) and break a board. Really, ax kicks aren’t that hard to do, but every time I say this to my dad he says “Yea, but not over your head!” This is true, I did ax kick over my head, and Dad thinks he has to tell everyone.

4-H is big in my family, or at least the girls, even though the boys do it too. I take rabbits, chickens, cats, gerbils, and many crafts to the fair that vary from year to year. For the past 4 years I have won grand champion rabbit showman and this past year I finally won Grand Champion Small Animal Showman. When you win Grand champion in rabbits, chicken, dogs or goats you have to go up against everyone else who won Grand Champions in those areas (totaling four people). Then everyone competing has to show a rabbit, a chicken, a goat and a dog. I studied all week long (only three days really) to earn the big trophy; only problem now is that I can’t find a place to put it, it is too big.

Last, but not least, my family and friends. My family consists of a mom, a dad, two brothers and one sister. All my siblings are younger than me. There’s me 14, Clay 12, Beth 10, and William 7. Clay is as crazy as ever (just makes me love him even more), Beth loves pandas (it’s all you see when you go in her room) and William loves Legos® (just like his big brother) and thinks himself an elf (so cute).
Clay is growing like crazy and he is almost taller than me. His feet are way bigger than mine, so we hope he will be a little taller than dad.

My best friend , Lauren, is very kind and she makes me laugh a lot (she laughs a lot too). She is very pretty
and loves to hang out with people. I have to say that I am very grateful to have her in my life; it would be so much harder without her.

- Kate